The New Republic has had an injection of capital and is beefing up its already considerable web presence. Of all the American political opinion magazines, The National Interest, American Interest, Commentary, Nation, National Review and Weekly Standard, TNR is still the best-written and most open-minded.
Along with articles on the web, the magazine has made a major push into blogging, The Plank, Open University and now even one for its editor, The Spine, written by the indomitable Martin Peretz. According to the New York Times story by Katharine Seelye,
Mr. Peretz, 67, has himself become a blogger. He said he was “not enjoying it exactly,” but that he had found it addictive.
“When I used to see something irritating, I would typically call a friend,” he said. “Now I just go to the blog.” He said he is often surprised at how quickly readers will post a response. “It’s as if they’re waiting for something,” he said. “Then they say, ‘Ah, here he is. I’m going to pounce.’ ”